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Hi there,
I was wondering if anyone had a favourite book on this subject that they'd recomend. It's something I really need to study and would be gratefull of any web address and or books that you have found useful on this subject.
Via Con Dios.

DAvid Ian Vaughan.

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anonymous Fri, 01/27/2006 - 21:15

Mic placement

First of all what are you recording? Electric,acustic,drums,vocals?
What kind of mics are you wanting to use? You need to give us a little more detail. If you'd like you can check out or try for some info. Hope this helps, if you don't find what your looking for come back here with more details as to what your wanting to do.

bluesdudeo Sat, 01/28/2006 - 08:34

Thanks Brock,
Looking for a illustrated book or books regarding the use of microphones in the studio. I saw Paul White had something a few years ago but I stopped getting sound on sound as I went to Spain for 6 months. I ought to start getting it again. Already been to tweeks a very useful place4 me. I will go and Look at humbuckers right now.
Thanks dude.


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