We just had a couple of mics in stock when we started. so I've been picking up deals on various mics to try out different stuff. I thought I'd post results so far. I am Micing clean and scream vocals, backing vocals, at high volumes. I also am singing Coldplay, 3DG, Oasis, etc. Rush (ha ha) and originals, clean vocals.
AKG D310 - I bought this new in the 80's peaky, lifeless junk! A bit harsh but it's the worst of the lot.
SM517S Unidyne. Picked up this retro cool for $40. I rewired it for balanced XLR, pulled the Xfmr, sounds sick! Two high freq peaks give lots of presence and character. Have to use a bit more gain at the front end. But oh so cool.
AKGD1200E - Lost it in the house somewhere, not crying..it's junk too.
Recent/used buys
SM58 - Had one from the 80's it was beast(sold it), this newer one we have is alright, just not the same though. User friendly performance. My son's favorite.
SM57 - Really good sounding mic, feedback resistant. Not my choice but the boys like it. Has a bit of a loose top for some reason
PVM22 - Peavey Diamond series got 2x used for $30 each. That was a steal. These are great vocal mics that rival condenser performance. They are really hot and do have a tendency to feedback easier in our rehearsal space. Sound is awesome, fun to use.
PVi2- Sounds OK, nice feel and looks good. Bread and butter backing vocals, good for lending out Paid $25 used. Has on/off switch which is good on one at least. SM58 clone.
PVi3 - See above, I won't cringe if it was dropped. Paid $40 new.
Electro Voice
EV N/D257 - This is a cool mic. Lots of bottom and top end up close. Thinner sound further back. Screamer liked it. Paid $30 used.
EV PL84S Condenser with switch. Since it's active very clear, high definition sound. Same sort of personality as the 257, but less distance sensitive. Runs on 11-52V phantom power. It's sweet. $100 new.
MXL Condensor Mics that we bought.
Have no business being on stage! They have been useful for rehearsal/demo recording.
When you say that the 57 has a "bit of a loose top" are you refe
When you say that the 57 has a "bit of a loose top" are you referring to an issue with the HF response of the mic? Or are you referring to the plastic cap that goes around the mesh at the mic's "business end"? LOL! They all do that thang! Gives 'em character...I used to twist that top like I was adjusting something before placing the mic in position. I would tell the talent that I was adjusting the mic's response curve to match their voice.hehehehe
yeah i guess that could be taken two ways. freq response sounds
yeah i guess that could be taken two ways. freq response sounds great, it's a great mic no question and of course everyone knows that.
i can move the whole top end/screen up and down about 1/16" - is that normal?? sort of like a shock absorber. the plastic spins but i figured that was correct.
I got this mic at the local gear & pawn new in the box with some of the others. may have been used once or twice it was like a $90-100. the place sells more tools & other stuff these days. the music gear side seems to be shrinking.
the SM517SA back on the stand today. liam gallagher all the way.