This is basically addressed to Dave / aamicrophones!
Have you ever done a mod to the ? They have the NOS 6072 valve in them. Would you recommend anything done to it? If so, what could one expect as an improvement?
Enjoying your posts BTW so I hope you don't mind me asking you some more questions and recommendations?
The Rode [=""]Classic II[/]=
The Rode [=""]Classic II[/]="http://www.rodemic…"]Classic II[/] has a 6072a and a [[url=http://="http://www.jensen-t…"]Jensen transformer[/]="http://www.jensen-t…"]Jensen transformer[/] but they state that the maximum output is +2dbu?

There is lots of room to improve the headroom. The capsule is edge fed with 3 micron diaphragms with the early rise at 4khz.
If you fit it with our AK12 capsule and do an upgrade to circuit then it would sound like our CM12 and have a much more ELA M251/C12 response.
You can see in OMNI that the response starts to rise up at 5khz while our CM12 doesn't start to rise till at least 7.5hz at least 1/2 an octave higher.
Most sibilance is between 3-6.5khz and by 7.5khz the bump in response will add more "air" than sizzle.
If you want a true U47 (K47) response with a slight rise at 2khz giving it more throat sound then our AK47 capsule could be fitted.
I recently repaired one of these with a faulty capsule and it sounded spectacular with our AK47 capsule and the Jensen transformer.
Cheers, Dave
I have a couple modded Classic IIs,that I bought used.I would be
I have a couple modded Classic IIs,that I bought used.I would be interested in doing an AB comparison to your un-modded mic.I live in PG as well,so if you're interested,give me a shout.
Hi Rick, your email bounced. Is it active?
Hi Rick, your email bounced. Is it active?
I'll check my profile info.
I'll check my profile info.
It should be,try the same prefix but with
It should be,try the same prefix but with
aamicrophones, post: 376256, member: 36390 wrote: The Rode [="ht
Sorry to resurrect and OLD thread. I have aquiried a Classic 2 which is very noisy. Note the tube and PSU voltages are all fine. How do I go about purchasing a capsule from you and at what price?
Andresound, post: 465514, member: 51933 wrote: Sorry to resurrec
The best trustworthy place to buy capsule is
have you checked the wiring...I would want to rule out out a loo
have you checked the wiring...I would want to rule out out a loose cable or bad solder joint before changing the capsule....
Andresound, post: 465514, member: 51933 wrote: Sorry to resurrec
I agree.
I had a brand new classic II with a bad solder connection on the capsule. I didn't know this at the time, I just new it sounded bad. RODE covered the repair and after it was fixed, it sounded great.