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Help ISP decimator pro rack G guitar convert to stereo mod version

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Submitted by andrex88 on Mon, 06/14/2021 - 11:28

hi everyone, i have an isp decimator g pro rack guitar version, for my marshall 9200, jmp1, jfx 1 configuration i would need the stereo mod version, i tried to look for used ones, but i couldn't find any. Opening the frame of my decimator I noticed that there is the possibility to convert it from guitar to stereo and vice versa.

DN27A in for Modifications...

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Submitted by Link555 on Tue, 03/09/2021 - 08:47

6 Klark Tecknik DN27A in for work. Its amazing to me the changes over the years. 2 units have input transformers and output transformers. The two will transformers will get a electrolytic cap change and general inspection. Of the four remaining, the most similar two will get Jensen input and output transformers, cap change and inspection.

My recording room mods, and a question about the spectrum

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Submitted by parabel on Tue, 11/03/2020 - 11:09

I'm setting up a converted garage to record voice. The room dimensions are 22'9" x 23'2", with an eight-foot ceiling.

I live near an industrial property that produces noise. In particular, there is the sound of a piece of industrial machinery at around 240Hz, and the back-up warning beeping of construction vehicles.

1612 Tubes for vari-mu compressor

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Submitted by Link555 on Fri, 07/24/2020 - 14:13

So I was so interested in the 1612 Tubes I got to play with... I started a hybrid design. The concept is a vari-mu style compressor using the 1612 as the front end after a Jensen XFMR. I am thinking of then running LA2 style buffer and driver amplifier into a Jensen output XFMR. But the side chain will be solid state and use either a LOG amp or a THAT audio engine..

dbx 161-Mods

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Submitted by Link555 on Thu, 03/26/2020 - 12:01

Working on two of these beauties right now. Nice design, nice PCB layout. The customer wants new caps, a few power supply repairs and to add Jensen input and output transformers to these normally unbalanced units. The 160 (the famous unit) uses the same PCB as the 161 but a has a solid state balanced input and output circuit populated. This mod, IMO, is way better ;)

Klark Teknik DN 34

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Submitted by Link555 on Fri, 03/20/2020 - 08:44

I also had a chance work on this finely built piece. This unit is very cool for making subtle delay/modulation effects. The unit on the bench had a blown output amplifier. I added a opa627 with a slight modification and she is working again.