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Good video on Mojave Microphones.…"]mojaveaudio - YouTube[/]="…"]mojaveaudio - YouTube[/]


audiokid Tue, 04/24/2012 - 21:22

There is a post where Remy described how she set the mics up, left them and moved the musicians around the room rather than moving the mics to the musician(s). I found this video for us that describes this perfect.

String player/Producer Stevie Blacke invites us to his studio to show how he uses two MA-200s and an MA-100 to get the right sound for his strings.

thatjeffguy Thu, 04/26/2012 - 12:58

I've owned an MA-200 for a couple of years now. I love it, especially on otherwise-strident female voices. It nicely brings in the chest tones while holding down the shrill top end.
About the only other applications I've used this on is acoustic guitar and fiddle. Not my #1 choice on these, but great in the right situation.
Been meaning to pick up some of their other models.


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