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a proposition on a very good micpreamp.

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Submitted by _basso_ on

Im looking for a real god 4-8ch micpreamp, for Pipe Organ and

thousand's of people in a large church.

It's a event that will be recorded 4-5 times each year.

And i will have the best equipment i can have. :lol:

Is the Millennia Media HV-3B the best or is there any other

micpreamp who is more praiseworthy, and sounds equal.


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The HV-3 is very fine, but I really think the [[url=http://[/URL]="http://www.davelect…"]D.A.V Broadhurst Gardens[/]="http://www.davelect…"]D.A.V Broadhurst Gardens[/] is more musical (the MM HV-3 series is far to analytical for my ears). I've been using BG 1's & 2's on organ for several years with great succes! (FWIW; they mate very well with Neumann mikes!)

I'm sure that there are other p-amps that will perform equally fine..


Wed, 09/07/2005 - 13:44 Permalink
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We just bought more DAV Electronics mic amps. They are fantastic for all acoustic sources.

BG#1 is a 2 channel mic amp

BG#2 is a 4 channel mic amp.

Easily as good as anything costing 10 times as much.

I agree with the poster above---MUCH more flattering than the technically correct, but sterile Millennia.

These are some of the best mic amps available and they are reasonably priced.

BG#1 $650 including shipping to USA or your country

BG#2 $ 1450.00 including shipping

Jump on it!

I'm a broken record on this subject, but they're THAT GOOD!

Fri, 09/09/2005 - 10:22 Permalink