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Why Am I Getting a Muffled Mic Sound With My New Preamp?

Submitted by rbf738 on Sun, 01/30/2011 - 09:12

I just transitioned from a Firepod (circa 2006) to a Firestudio Mobile and for some reason the microphone sounds horribly muffled when as far as I know I haven't changed a thing besides the preamp. There's also some static on that track, as well, so I feel like something glaring is definitely not right here.

Just so you know I'm running Ableton Live 5, my buffer size is 512, the sample rate 44100, overall latency set at 13 ms. I wish I could hook my Firepod back up so I could take a look at my settings but that's probably not an option anymore.

I've been searching trying to find something which could account for this but haven't found anything yet.


Actually we can forget about the static, that was me being dumb, but I'm still getting the muffled sound like I don't know maybe the mic isn't getting adequate power or something... I'm using AC power, the adaptor which came with the device. I actually don't know how to use bus power, I assumed that when I connected it to my computer that it would just work without the adaptor, hence bus power from my computer, but I guess I'm off on that. Either way it only powers on when connected via AC power.

I'm using an Audio Technica AT3035 Condensor microphone, the same mic I used last week with my Firepod and it sounded crisp and clear before the Firepod broke. It requires phantom power so i turned on the phantom power on the Firestudio to record just like I did with it using the Firepod, but it just sounds muffled and a bit distant. I can record a bit of it if you would like to hear it but I don't know if that will clear anything up for anyone.

Also, I don't know if this is an issue but I've been using this firewire card to connect to my computer for the past 2 years: SIIG FireWire 800 ExpressCard FireWire adapter - ExpressCard/54 - 2 ports

I'm not sure if that is one of the type of cards which they warn against. It's the same card I used and everything was fine with the Firepod, so I don't know what could've changed between the two or if this is what is causing shitty mic recording. Guitar records clean no problem.

Mon, 01/31/2011 - 14:04 Permalink

FlyBass, post: 362904 wrote: By any chance did you accidently hit the 10 dB pad switch on the mic?

Good thought but the settings are the same as always, I even tried the others just in case.

Boswell, post: 362891 wrote: Same on both interfaces, eh? It's unlikely to be the cable, unless one of the + or - conductors is shorting to ground so the mic is not receiving the correct phantom power.

Another crazy suggestion: is your microphone facing the right way?

Haha yeah my microphone is facing the right way, I do know that could cause a muffled sound but I haven't made that mistake since I first started out years ago.

UPDATE: I only have the one XLR cable BUT I have one more microphone so I tried that... The problem with that microphone is it's a shitty free mic that came with a karaoke set, so I don't know how well I can trust it. It didn't sound as muffled but I noticed that I had to crank the preamp up almost all of the way to get a decent level, giving me more evidence that it might be the cable which isn't providing adequate power like you were saying.

I'm going to get out and try getting a new XLR cable, might as well try the cheap solution before I start thinking about microphones. Who knows, maybe this will turn into a vocal microphone discussion sooner than later.

2nd Update: K so I just opened my XLR cable on the female end and the yellow cable's wire broke off at its tip and is now not connected like the red one still is, so... time to get out the soldering gun.

This OF COURSE had to happen as soon as I get my new preamp hooked up to lead me on this wild goose chase.

Tue, 02/01/2011 - 08:11 Permalink

I would assume that you have probably solved this issue by now however, I stumbled across this thread by having the same issues as you. And this is for those who are reading this in the future, if you are like me and you have OCD with your sound settings; I can probably help you if you run Windows 10. In the device manager for the sound settings, there's a way to make your sound run at dvd quality/studio quality so yes, you select that. My fix came from accidentally disabling the microphone playback because I thought it only ran in recording. So you need it enabled in both 'playback' and 'recording'. Try that. It worked for me.

Mon, 09/21/2020 - 00:06 Permalink

With the utmost respect, you reopened a 9 yr dead topic with a response that has nothing too do with his original question, and of course the ultimate solution of a repair to the cable being needed. Your response is actually wrong for many people. On my systems for examples using the windows device manager settings, you don't even get access to these features when you use the common recording interfaces - they have their own control panel elsewhere, but on my laptop, you can disable the microphone quite happily and playback continues - so I'm not sure what the purpose of the post was at all? I'd suggest responding to the current batch of posts - old ones here become pointless frequently when problems get solved, and they just vanish. It's quite rare to resurrect topic like this? Kind of shutting the gate when the horse is not just gone, but probably dead!

Mon, 09/21/2020 - 00:32 Permalink

paulears, post: 465548, member: 47782 wrote: With the utmost respect, you reopened a 9 yr dead topic with a response that has nothing too do with his original question, and of course the ultimate solution of a repair to the cable being needed. Your response is actually wrong for many people. On my systems for examples using the windows device manager settings, you don't even get access to these features when you use the common recording interfaces - they have their own control panel elsewhere, but on my laptop, you can disable the microphone quite happily and playback continues - so I'm not sure what the purpose of the post was at all? I'd suggest responding to the current batch of posts - old ones here become pointless frequently when problems get solved, and they just vanish. It's quite rare to resurrect topic like this? Kind of shutting the gate when the horse is not just gone, but probably dead!

If it can potentially help someone, it isn't a waste of a post. For those using a usb audio interface with streamlabs obs, it can make a world of a difference.

Mon, 09/21/2020 - 12:56 Permalink