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AKG 414 EB

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Submitted by anonymous on

I am currently renting an AKG 414 eb with the silver body. I love it, so much so that I have been looking to buy one. There are a few 414 eb's with the black body on ebay, but none with the silver body. Is there a difference between the two? Will I be disappointed with the black body 414 eb?




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Depends on the silver body! Early silver body 414 EB's had the the brass C-12 capsule are are very very sweet sounding. Later silver 414EB's have the mylar capsule, and while still a good mike, dont sound the same. BTW it is possible to find a early silver with the mylar capsule because if you send it to AKG for repair they will swap out the brass capsule for the mylar one. SO if you do find one be sure the capsule is brass!

Wed, 08/13/2003 - 03:03 Permalink