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akg 414 eb

1968 u87, silver c414eb or other

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Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 09/01/2007 - 17:23

I went over to a friend's studio that is selling a lot of older microphones. Amongst them was a 1968 u87i, an AKG c414EB (silver), and a Sony c37a. I spent two hours trying these mics along with their Microtech Gefell um92 1.s. (which blew the socks off every microphone there in terms of detail, depth, and high-end openness and gentleness - even the Sony c37a).

AKG C414 EB worth it?

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Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 08/10/2005 - 15:12

Here is my quandry. I have an old AKG C414 EB that my father used on the radio in the 80s. He gave it to me and when I went to use it, it crackled like hell. I took it to the friendly pro audio electronics shop and the guy took a look and told me I had a little corrosion, he cleaned it, but still the crackling. He called AKG, they suggested it was the capsule. The capsule itself is $350.

AKG 414 EB

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Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 08/08/2003 - 21:34

I am currently renting an AKG 414 eb with the silver body. I love it, so much so that I have been looking to buy one. There are a few 414 eb's with the black body on ebay, but none with the silver body. Is there a difference between the two? Will I be disappointed with the black body 414 eb?


C414EB Questions

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Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 02/13/2002 - 04:26

Last weekend, I had the privelege of recording Drums (a well-maintained 1967 Ludwig 4-piece with brand new Evans heads) in a large renovated barn, with AKG C414 EB's as overheads; All while my Fiance' was out tasting wedding cakes with my mother. What a nice weekend it was.

Anywho, The C414EB's were the silver model, a matched set, in mint condition.