The LTD was a 60th anniversary edition made in 2007. I believe it's just a cosmetically altered XLS with slight upgrade in that the components were hand matched.
thanks for the info guys...i decided against it. man the 414 is getting to be like a les paul. 20 years ago a les paul was a les paul, now there are 500 editions of em.
I agree, the variations of the 414 are getting hard to follow. The problem that a lot of these companies have is that getting a new mic to take with the pro audio crowd seems to be an impossible task. So they iterate on their popular lines of mics. I mean, the Neumann M149 M147 line could have easily been its own new model number, but they used the U47/U49 clout to push a new generation of Neumann's.
It sure does make it difficult to know what's what though.
song4gabriel wrote: hello i have an opputuniuty to pick one of
It is obvious but you should NEVER purchase a microphone with out hearing it. There are just too many things that can go wrong with a used microphone.
The LTD was a 60th anniversary edition made in 2007. I believe
The LTD was a 60th anniversary edition made in 2007. I believe it's just a cosmetically altered XLS with slight upgrade in that the components were hand matched.
thanks for the info guys...i decided against it. man the 414 is
thanks for the info guys...i decided against it. man the 414 is getting to be like a les paul. 20 years ago a les paul was a les paul, now there are 500 editions of em.
I agree, the variations of the 414 are getting hard to follow.
I agree, the variations of the 414 are getting hard to follow. The problem that a lot of these companies have is that getting a new mic to take with the pro audio crowd seems to be an impossible task. So they iterate on their popular lines of mics. I mean, the Neumann M149 M147 line could have easily been its own new model number, but they used the U47/U49 clout to push a new generation of Neumann's.
It sure does make it difficult to know what's what though.