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akg c414


A legend since 1971 the most versatile microphone for vocals and instruments in studio and on stage. AKG C414 XLS multipattern condenser microphone its the perfect sonic capture.

AKG C3000 - A forgotten about mic?

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Submitted by paulears on Wed, 08/23/2023 - 13:03

I got asked to compare a C3000 with a C414, and I dug mine out and put it next to a C414 - I've no idea why this mic, which is often available quite cheaply, isn't more popular. Easy to say once I'd done the test, but the one I have rarely gets an outing. I've even found another on sale second hand for silly money, so I've ordered it to make a pair!

Recording Vocals - Microphone choices

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Submitted by paulears on Fri, 04/08/2022 - 02:43

In the videos I have been producing, we've listened to a number of microphones and how they respond to voice and instruments, but for completeness, we'd not heard them on voices. I'd been working on a little job where I'm creating a stage track for a person I've worked with for years and I always send him the stems, and a guide vocal.

Vintage AKG 414's - cleaning questions

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Submitted by DonnyThompson on Sat, 04/01/2017 - 07:07

Hey guys...
As some of you know, I have 2 Vintage AKG C-414's with the original Telefunken CK12 Brass Capsules.
These were the capsules that were used in the Telefunken ELAM and the AKG C12 mics. The C-414's also used this capsule until around 1980 or so, at which point they changed to a mylar diaphragm.

AKG C414 XLS vs. . Shure KSM44a Apollo preamp

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Submitted by aironsun on Sun, 12/18/2016 - 15:05

I am looking for a reliable workhorse microphone that will be used for 90% vocals. There will be both male and female vocalists focusing on pop and EDM. I will be running the mic through an apollo rack 8 and the room is nicely treated by gik acoustics. The problem is, I haven't been able to DECIDE which microphone to buy...and I can not afford both.

The Different Versions of the AKG C414 Models

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Submitted by moonbaby on Mon, 03/25/2013 - 11:25

OK, so...
I have an AKG C 414B-XLS. A recent vintage, it has all the fancy electronic switching that they've employed
in their newer versions of that model. Silver-colored mesh, I like this mic for mois better than the U87 in the cabinet.
What is the difference between this one and the C 414B-ULS?
And what can you tell me about the C 414B TL II ?
I have a