Your Avatar Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 02/21/2004 - 17:45 If any of you out there is using one of these you probably have noticed the loud fan noise that comes with it. I would like to mimize this noise or eliminate it completely if that is even an option. Does anyone know what to do about this? Tags cooling fan cooling aw4416 Log in or register to post comments Comments Your Avatar anonymous Try the yahoo 4416 forum - I believe you'll need to create a log Try the yahoo 4416 forum - I believe you'll need to create a login and password to access. Here's a specific thread on fan noise - Log in or register to post comments Sun, 02/22/2004 - 05:57 Permalink
Your Avatar anonymous Try the yahoo 4416 forum - I believe you'll need to create a log Try the yahoo 4416 forum - I believe you'll need to create a login and password to access. Here's a specific thread on fan noise - Log in or register to post comments Sun, 02/22/2004 - 05:57 Permalink
Try the yahoo 4416 forum - I believe you'll need to create a log
Try the yahoo 4416 forum - I believe you'll need to create a login and password to access.
Here's a specific thread on fan noise -