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A beginners guide to multiband compression

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Submitted by sserendipity on Fri, 10/25/2002 - 16:43

Hi all,

About the only black box I don't have much of a handle on is multiband dynamics processing.

Everything else, I know what I'm looking for, and can pretty confidently dial in the sound I hear in my head. Can anyone recommend a source to help me learn how to get the most out of this process?




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A multi band is a kewl tool. Only time i ever reach for it tho, is when the mix is shite.

What does that say?

I'm also looking to use it on full range instruments, and sampled drum kits. I play [[url=http://[/URL]=""]Chapman Stick[/]=""]Chapman Stick[/]. I often find it difficult to keep the bassline and chords from fighting for space.

Tue, 10/29/2002 - 12:49 Permalink
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Yes! Multi-band can be useful on full-range instruments. In my case, the best example was a rhythm track recorded off an old organ. I wanted the bass to be huge, but i still wanted to hear the treble percussion sounds clearly. Multiband.

Other times it's been useful on individual tracks are when i either want to do some pretty radical correction (like giving vocals some air and sizzle when they were recorded through a beta 58!), or to do a radical effect (like making a low cello track sit properly, and powerfully, in a heavily compressed hiphop mix).

I wouldn't use it on an individual track that was close but needed some enhancement, that's what regular compression is for. Multiband is too radical a tool, and can really change a sound pretty easily.

Sun, 11/03/2002 - 14:58 Permalink
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Multiband compression is a powerful tool that is used mostly in mastering.. Think of it as a cut only eq with sliding filters. The harder you hit a certain specified frequency, the more it will compress that specific area of the bandwidth. One example. I have used frequency dependent compression (a variation) in tracking and mix situations where I had a vocal that at lower volumes sounded fine but when the singer started to belt it out the sound became very mid rangy creating resonance that was very annoying. I zero in on the offending frequency and attenuate it with the frequency dependent compression....low volumes - flat, volume peaks - big mid range really can smooth things out. Multiband compression is the same thing but with several bands all working at the same time on their own areas of the bandwidth.....Fats

Mon, 11/04/2002 - 06:55 Permalink