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multiband compressor

Multiband Distortion Plugin

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Submitted by Studio86 on Fri, 10/11/2013 - 12:52

Hey guys I'm looking for a really comprehensive distortion/mangling plugin . Being able to isolate frequencies and process them differently without duplicating tracks is a must. I've been eyeballing Trash 2 from iZotope but I'm trying to weigh all my options. You guys know of anything like this besides Trash 2? Thanks in advance!

VST multiband compressor

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Submitted by Nutti on Fri, 10/05/2012 - 02:02


I've been searching for a free vst multiband compressor plugin for some time now but can't seem to find the one I'm looking for...I'll be using it for mastering in wavelab 6 and here are the features I would like for the compressor: 4 bands, 2 settings of frequency range/band, threshold, ratio, attack and release. Main in, gain and output would also be great!

Cubase multiband compressor trouble

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Submitted by llatht on Wed, 01/17/2007 - 09:37

hello. I've been recording with Cubase sx2 and so far having a good time with it except for when I try to use the multiband compressor. I've been trying to use it on the stereo out channel to improve overall loudness and when I do this there is a very distinct hum which sounds like some kind of digital distorton that ends up on some of the tracks.

Pro Tools 7 LE and UAD Multiband Limiter problem

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Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 12/30/2005 - 04:06

Hi, I've just installed version 4.1 of the UAD1 plugs on my Digi002 PT 7 LE system and activated the demo of the Multiband Limiter; I've inserted the limiter on the master track of a project and I get this situation: the right channel remains unprocessed while the left channel is processed but delayed! I've already tried to change the playback buffer (latency) settings... any suggestions?

multiband compression

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Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 12/29/2004 - 13:11

Hello All,
I am relatively new to the whole recording arena and am soaking up as much as I can. I am faced with a new obstacle now - multiband compression.
I am at the mastering point of production. I have a tightly recorded and mixed song that sounds pretty balanced to me and the people I know with recording experience.