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Anyone here experimented with using a Blumlein pair to record a drum kit? Or anything for that matter? I just got done reading an article about the Micing technique and it sounds like it should work really well.

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anonymous Sun, 08/26/2001 - 22:41

i'm a sucker for blumlein' smoooooooth...
i usually use 2 at4050s (i don't have the mic closet that some of us here do) and i get result's i'm very happy with...mostly for acoustic guitar or small percussion ...

i've also had good results using a blumlein for a set of semi-distant piano mics (about 6') away
as for i worked with about 6 months ago was set on trying a blumlein for overheads and it worked great..very smooth image of the kit...only problem was balancing the kit for the stereo image (typical rock/pop kick/snare centered) can't really cheap it...

i talk to much


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