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Crane Song Spider

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Submitted by anonymous on

When will you get it? Any news? :confused:


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I have the same question! Emailed Dave Hill the other day. Below is his reply:

"Spider is going to ship soon It has been much more work than I guessed. It is like a different

product for each part as far as time requirement goes. Input module, stereo master, stereo

digital, 8 channel digital, and power supply


dave Hill"

Hope this helps!



Tue, 02/27/2001 - 22:52 Permalink
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Golly. Last I heard from David it's brutally close. The AES/EBU; SP/DIF output version is almost done...the "lightpipe output" version is about a month behind it...the 'T/DIF' output version is going to be a bit more of a pain in the balls...and the Pro sTools protocol has almost been cracked by another firm...who is going to 'share' the information with several other the Apogee stranglehold on the Pro-Tools interfaces [lets face it, the 888 is gawd fucking awful] is nearly over.

Spider probably could have been released already by a lot of manufacturers...In the decade we've been working with David, I have yet to see one product that didn't hit the street perfect and 'bug free'. With HEDD, there were 21 different 'software' revisions for the 'processor program', If I remember correctly, "19" was the one that was chosen.

The guy is a's annoying, but far less annoying to wait than drop $6k and have something wrong. If you think my ulcer isn't on the warpath, you're seriously mistaken. Last September I was under the impression that this would be done for November...and it will, I just ain't sure which November that will be... :D :D

Wed, 02/28/2001 - 01:55 Permalink