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I need to connect the dbx376 tube strip that I just recently purchased to my DIGI002 (rack). I'd like to do that via S/PDIF leaving the analog output to a monitor mixer.

The problem is that the host recording app (Cubase SX) doesn't display a External sync option in the combo box for synchronization selection in the ASIO dialog.

The dbx has a wordclock in and out but 002 has neither.

Am I doing something wrong, or is it just buggy DIGI ASIO drivers? What about the S/PDIF signal from the dbx - maybe it doesn't contain a sync bit? Yes I have RTFM.

Please help, anyone else with similar problem.



anonymous Mon, 04/04/2005 - 17:36

boy Digidezign may have become the international standard and it sounds better too...but believe me friend it always gives you tough time linking different i m having this problem..can't run different applications at the same time....not even RTAS instruments ...with pro tools...hey pal if you now how to link reasons adapted to pro tools...please tell me...when i open pro tools it researves the midi and asio drivers for itself and keeping pro tools open when i goto reason it gives midi and asio error.... thats why its been one year i bought digi002 but still not working on pro tools....CUBASE SX Rocks man....its the best software so far...

anonymous Tue, 04/05/2005 - 13:35

I think there was no problem. In the Digidesign ASIO driver you select the clock source to be S/PDIF. However this does not affect the Cubase sample clock source dialog which still says "Internal". Stupid.

The vocals came without any clicks and pops, so I guess the whole thing was working after all. I mean no synch should be easily heard right?
