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Help me choose Speaker Cabinet Emulators

Submitted by stormrider_gr on Mon, 09/05/2011 - 13:38

Hello everybody,

Recently, and due to economic crysis in Greece I moved to Cyprus, as i mentioned in some previous posts. Here i started a small studio in my appartment, his i rent from a very badass guy. I can't a lot isolation pads to the room to get the best results so here is my problem. I need a cabinet emulator for my guitar recordings in my home based studio. I own a Blackstar Series One 200 Valve Head http://www.blacksta…"](check here)[/]="http://www.blacksta…"](check here)[/].

I came to Palmer PGA 04 and PGA 05 Cabinet Emulators. The reason is that i want to avoid the big cabinet and the mics and the heavy isolation for reamping the signal when recording guitars.

Can someone help me to choose between these two, or advise me with another device ?

Thanx a lot 4 ur time !

Best Regards