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Speaker 'burning in' - debunking the debunk?

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Submitted by paulears on Wed, 01/29/2020 - 00:38

Cards on table - I have very little support for the hi-fi fraternity with their anti-physics viewpoints on all kinds of crazy thing, including the need to have to burn in loudspeakers.

I'm now having to think very hard to explain a recent experience. I thought I'd share it to see if anyone else has views on what is happening here.

Chinese Rogers LS5/3 boxes and complete speakers

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Submitted by paulears on Mon, 12/24/2018 - 10:47

It might be of interest that the Chinese are now building empty boxes and complete speakers to the old BBC design. No idea what they're like - but have a look own Aliexpress. Crossovers and the boxes look pretty nice, but they're not cheap, but for anyone unable to make nice looking boxes, they could be worth a look - especially if you like tweaking.

Speakers or DAC what to upgrade next (1k budget)

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Submitted by kmetal on Wed, 08/01/2018 - 00:08

I'm thinking of what my next move should be as far as putting my new basic rig together, besides the seemingly endless computer parts. right now I'm rocking an Avid eleven, and Focusrite scarlett solo interfaces, and Alesis monitor one speakers, with an avantone on the shortlist, and a Bose home theater, and various Bluetooth and computer speakers.