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First off. I've seen this mic called the MC012 and the difference in the mic.

Alright, I have used these mics as my OH's, on acoustic guitar, and on violins. I've found someone wanting to buy these from me, and now have a little dough to spend on "better" overheads.

I've been looking at the matched RODE NT5's and the SP C4's. I'm not sure if there are many other options in this price range that will give me a versatile and all around good mic.

What do you guys think? How do the NT5's stack up against the C4's, and is there anything else worth looking into?


John Stafford Mon, 05/09/2005 - 10:33

I don't think the Rodes (which I REALLY like), or the SP4 would be an upgrade.

I too think the Josephsons are rather enticing.

That's really bizarre that there are fake Oktavas. I'd imagine fake KM-184s would bring in so much more money, but then there may be some of these too. I saw a U87 on ebay last week that I'm almost certain was a fake, but I don't think anyone fell for it.

John Stafford

anonymous Mon, 05/09/2005 - 11:15

I think that the AKG c451's would be a slight upgrade, although I would keep the octava's around. You could also consider something like the Neumann km184's and the Schoeps cmc6 bodies with some of the mk caps. The Neumann's and the schoeps are considerably more expensive though.

You aren't really getting much of an upgrade until you get to the josephsons, the akg's, the Neumann's, or the schoeps, in my opinion. That doesn't mean though that you wouldn't want to keep any of the other SD condensers's good to have some flavors.

maintiger Mon, 05/09/2005 - 14:09

John Stafford wrote: I don't think the Rodes (which I REALLY like), or the SP4 would be an upgrade.
John Stafford

I agree- if you already own the oktavas there is no advantage in getting the sp4 or the rodes- if you don't have them though, the sp4's at $319 are quite a steal 8) - or the nt4's if you can get them cheap- sometimes I see them out there for $299 but most times they go for $399- I would like to get those josephsons soon but I just got a G4 laptop and I just got a steal of a deal on a G5 so i could not pass that up either-

John Stafford Mon, 05/09/2005 - 14:10

Sennheiser MKH series, Microtech Gefell M300 or something by DPA. These would be in the price bracket above the Neumanns, but that depends what part of the world you're in.

The stereo pairs by Neumann are WAY cheaper than buying singly, but a single Neumann is not too far behind Scheops in price. A lot of people think the Neumanns are crap, others think they're wonderful.

I don't know where you're based, but in Europe the Microtech Gefells are nearly as cheap ( :!: ) as the Neumanns. The Sennheisers and DPAs are the most expensive. In the US Microtech Gefell mics can approach Sennheiser MKH series in price, but apart from that the pricing structures are the same.

John Stafford


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