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I saw a Lyrec TR532 mkII for sale, and it looks very good on paper. I really would like to knwo if anyoen is willing to sare some comments on it.
Unfortunately the Deja-Google transaction seems kinda slow, and so even if I remember there was some post bout Lyrec products, I'm not able to get'em.

BTW, I'm in Europe, I don't know if Lyrec were popular in US, I don't think so, but Lyrec still support them and has extensive spare parts.



anonymous Wed, 03/21/2001 - 03:55

Hi Ronnie,

I have no direct experience with Lyrec machines, but I know of a studio that had a couple 2" machines and a 1/2". They used the machines until they upgraded to Studers. The word was that they sounded okay, but were real bitches to maintain, especially the transports.

Sorry I can't give you a more educated response.

Dave g