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I have just got a good deal on a G4 powerbook (1.6G, 1G ram, 80G HD) which I intend to use for live multitrack recordings. The only problem is all my software is for windows.

Anybody have suggestions for the best software for a mac? I don't need a heap of plugins or editing power, I just want to record up to 16 tracks over firewire and then dump them on my windows machine for mixing. Stabilty is the most important thing I'm looking for. Also it will need to handle 24bit files at at least 48000Hz sample rate.

I'm familiar with Sonar, Cubase, Nuendo and Audition so the interface doesn't scare me.

I also don't want to spend thousands for software that I'll only be tracking with.

Thanks for any suggestions.



anonymous Tue, 01/10/2006 - 05:47

davidinoz wrote"

I looked at Logic express but it only does 12 tracks and is $499 in Australia - a little more than my budget.

there is something wrong with the info you have...
express is by all means not track limited... unless (sorry can't recall excactlythe no.!) something over 200hundred tracks is not enough for you, the only limitation in that respect it has (and of course others compared to the pro version) is that it "only" has 8 buses, which is a standard in almost all hardware mixers too. and is not really :not enough:

the price, i agree is a ripp off get it from abroad, asia, states... it should not be more than 300 US dollar.

in my eyes express is not to be beaten at all CONSIDERING THE PRICE...

that said i know DP too and both DP and tracktion are good choices as well, but i would still go with logic, always for shure...
they are in terms of audio pretty much the same... if midi is from importance for you as well, than logic is not to be beaten it's the srongest and best apps for doing both.

if you ever will be able to upgrade and some point from express to pro you will have the best and strongest tool avialable....

my two cents from a logic / mac die hard head.


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