I didn't know if I should post this here or at the Mastering forum. It's pretty much a bottom feeder question :) !
I run a small recording studio that does mostly demos and low budget indy releases. I prefer to have my mixes mastered by a professional mastering house because I don't have the tools and monitor set up to get proper results. However, I often have to give clients a finished product that won't go out to be mastered. I am thinking of getting a software package to take care of a little "mastering" here in my studio for such occasions. I already run Digital Performer on my G3 mac. I was thinking of getting either Spark or Peak for 2 track editing and Adaptec Jam for CDR burning.
Would this setup work for my situation?
Should I buy a Windows PC and get Sound Forge or Wavelab?
I like the editing and DAO burning capabilities of Sonic Foundry's CD Architect and Steinberg's Wavelab. Is there a similar product for the Mac platform?
Should I just go lurk on the Mastering forum?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Apparently not many of the Mac applications want to bother with CDROM driver compatibility, and most require an export to a Cd burning program. I don't know what your budget is, but here's an approach that is starting to work for me;
buy/build a decent PC, with a digital IO card. Stick Wavelab 3.0 (my absolute favorite for mastering) in it, and buy a good set of speakers that's different from your studio monitors. Stick these in a different room, and get that room sounding good- lots of bass trapping if it's little, but not as dead as you might want a mixing room- think idealized living room. Then, just spend a lot of time in there listening, and do a lot of comparing to similar CD's. I think this is a much better approach than trying to master in the same room, on the same speakers as you mix with.
Oh, and buy at least the Waves Native Power Pack 1 and 2- best bang for the buck you're going to find in plugins.
Originally posted by Bob:
I didn't know if I should post this here or at the Mastering forum. It's pretty much a bottom feeder question :) !
I run a small recording studio that does mostly demos and low budget indy releases. I prefer to have my mixes mastered by a professional mastering house because I don't have the tools and monitor set up to get proper results. However, I often have to give clients a finished product that won't go out to be mastered. I am thinking of getting a software package to take care of a little "mastering" here in my studio for such occasions. I already run Digital Performer on my G3 mac. I was thinking of getting either Spark or Peak for 2 track editing and Adaptec Jam for CDR burning.
Would this setup work for my situation?
Should I buy a Windows PC and get Sound Forge or Wavelab?
I like the editing and DAO burning capabilities of Sonic Foundry's CD Architect and Steinberg's Wavelab. Is there a similar product for the Mac platform?
Should I just go lurk on the Mastering forum?
Thanks in advance for your help.