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Hello, I'm very new to mastering and using Wavesand was just wondering what other engineers are using out of the Wavesbundles for Mastering purposes. L2, Linear Phaser? Any help, settings, or hints would be great. Thank you in advance! -matt

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iznogood Sat, 08/06/2005 - 01:04

funny you should mention the limiters.....

actually the L2 is the only plugin i use for pro work..... yet to find anything better....

for home use the LP eq's are ok.... but stay away from multiband comp's.... if you need them to color your mix the mix ain't good enough.... you should eq the individual tracks and find appropiate levels for them...

Reggie Sat, 08/06/2005 - 22:18

Massive Mastering wrote: I use hardware for the most part myself, but UAD's Precision Limiter is a pretty fargin' schveet plug...

IMO, YMMV, etc.

Yeah, sometimes I feel guilty abusing it, but it stays pretty nice sounding through it all. Absolutely transparent for just catching the quick peaks, too. Doesn't really make a mix sound better or anything cool, but it sure helps making things LOUD when that is required. 8-)

anonymous Sun, 08/07/2005 - 14:52

there was a discussion on another board regarding limiters (sorry i didnt post the plug names sooner, the forum was down) and a lot of people also recommended: Wave Arts (got most praise), final plug (ehh), and finis. also sony oxford inflator was mentioned. so worth checking all those out as well.

i dont know personally about them, since i use waves L2 (havent had money to replace it and it comes in plug packs), but its worth checking out others.

mixandmaster Tue, 08/16/2005 - 05:13

sushifish wrote: If I import a wav (1 stereo track) into protools, do I insert my mastering plugs into that track or am I suppose to open a Master Fader and insert there? Thank you

The only plugs that are "important" as to where you put it are compression/limiting and dither.

Dither should go post-fader no matter where you put it (if you're using a fader for any volume automation). So if you're using the track's volume fader to fade in or fade out, make sure you put the dither on the master fader. You want the dither AFTER the fades.

And compression/limiting, in general, should happen PRE fader. There are exeptions, but if you're just doing a fade in/fade out, you almost always want the compressor to happen BEFORE the fades.

Good luck.


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