Hi all.
mixed this song we wrote .and wanted your opinions on the mix balance.
After listening just now I feel the drums need a touch more level for this style.
and kick needs some attack .and probably short reflection to poke the organ riff out more.
And then verb over the whole lot .
Its called the Party song and we wrote it quickly when we were away and short of
danceable songs. It was more rockabillyish but has now morphed to this place .
Attached files Party.mp3 (6.8 MB)
The whole mix could use more high frequencies. did you scoop out
The whole mix could use more high frequencies. did you scoop out some ?
The drums seems ok (aside from the HF missing)
Great song and vibe !!
I did the alterations and then put that mix in another session w
I did the alterations and then put that mix in another session with reverb aux , eq and limiter .
Attached files Party wth klang .mp3 (6.7 MB)
last edit for this , how does it go on your speakers ? [MEDIA=a
last edit for this , how does it go on your speakers ?
Attached files Party song.mp3 (6.8 MB)
Wow man, you are on the right track ! Much better. You've got go
Wow man, you are on the right track ! Much better.
You've got good dynamics going on and I love it. The frequency ragnge is better and may be just right for the genre
If you could just revise the stereo contents. At some point I'm drawn to the right with the up front guitar. I wish the guitar could have it's counter part in the left channel (keys or other guitar). and bring the solos to the center..
Wow --- stellar song and vocal performance -- actually all perfo
Wow --- stellar song and vocal performance -- actually all performances. This is a radio hit/dance hall hit for sure --- I could see this kind of thing start a revival. I can't say I've enjoyed a song here more. You guys are on fire here -- on fire!!
The mix now is great - there are a couple of tiny things I'd want (tiny bit of a boost on the guitar solo so those high notes pierce a wee bit more) and a couple of accents here and there on the guitar on the stops - but just amazing. You have to try to put together a dance hall performance styled video for this showing all kinds of folks dancing.... I can totally imagine it from here.
Thanks guys , Marco , I tried poking the organ through more to
Thanks guys ,
Marco , I tried poking the organ through more to balance the stereo field.
Still figuring out , different ways to get it poking through in a subtle way .
(y) I also re eq the rhythm guitar to take a little gnarlyness out of it and sit back more.
I don't know my monitors well enough when making the critical decision
on guitar piercing through vs going ugly. I tend to stay conservative but I really shouldn't.
Although now , thinking about it is a good start point. I did a little test today and
found that I could push it more if it was supported well with verb ,delay etc .(y)
I get your vibe Robert on having a video to go with this.(y)
Maybe we can look for someone who wants material for an assignment in a video course at uni .
( We are getting a few songs now that we can imagine being in video form )
I wonder how do you make a deal with someone who does a video with your song ,
Will have to do some research on this.
Thanks again , its great to come here and get help and feedback from you .:)