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Hi All,
I'm using Logic 5.5 and as I started to mix my project I found out that my HD (120Gb SATA) has enough. I understand it cause in every song I am using over 30 tracks of 96/24 audio and next 10-15 of EXS24mk2 saplers running. On top there are of course another 5-10 VSTis. How one poor HD for audio can cope with all this? It can't and the performance meter of HD jumps often to red. I of course have a separate drive for system (win xp). I'm not sure if EXP24mk2 streams samples directly from HD or stores them in memory..but it doesn't matter at this moment. What I found out is that logic has this beautiful feature in it's audio window called "move files". I can select let's say half of audio files used in a song and move them to another drive. I know IDE drive wouldn't be good but I have an external FireWire drive (LaCie 120Gb). Would this setup work ok if I had half of the files streamed from one drive and the other half from my firewire drive? Are there any latency, synchro or any other issues? What do you guys think?



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Opus2000 Wed, 08/20/2003 - 11:25

WEll, sinec 24/96Khz files are pretty heavy in size I would definitely put the samples for the VST and Soft Samplers else where!

This will help the load on that drive substantially.

Or you could partition the drive so that you have the data on one part, samples on another.

Or you could just simply put your samples on the OS drive and disable the write cachine which will boost your read time exponentially which in turn helps read the samples faster.

Opus :D

3dchris Thu, 08/21/2003 - 05:11

thx guys. Opus, you did not answer my question :)
I already have samples on my OS drive and the waves on the audio drive. But still my audio drive is working "overtime" hehe. So my question was if I put some of the waves (not samples) on external firewire drive, would that create any potential problems? It makes sense on paper but I need an opinion of a pro before I start moving things around (there are toooooooons of files in there !!!)

thx again,
