I'm producing a reggae album and I want a classic 70's sound, defined but not too pristine. I am most likely going to be using a preamp that utilizes MosFet circuitry for tube emulation. My question is... does anyone have any experience with mosfet tube warmth? Or should I just use a valve mic for warming my digital tracks?
Well, you can just use good mics and preamps and not worry about
Well, you can just use good mics and preamps and not worry about emulating tubes per se and it'll come out pretty good, IMHO. Listen to some of the tracks that have the sound you want and try to "reverse engineer" how they got there.
A lot of times inthe 70's the bass was direct thru Neves. If you run the stuffyou want to sound "big" through a Neve or Nevealike preamp, you'll be pretty much there.