almost finished have a couple things to do mix advice would be greatly appreciated. Device.mp3?dl=0
almost finished have a couple things to do mix advice would be greatly appreciated. Device.mp3?dl=0
Wish i had more critical feedback, but it honestly sounds great.
Wish i had more critical feedback, but it honestly sounds great. The bass and kick fit together really well. Listening on AKG K-44 cans so i may not have the best setting, but i think everything really sits nicely together.
thx transmothra
thx transmothra
final mix on this one removed first verse in intro https://dl.dr
final mix on this one removed first verse in intro
You should post mp3 here to get more comments.. Nice song ! T
You should post mp3 here to get more comments..
Nice song !
Too much effects of the vocals for my taste and some parts of the song have more weight on the right side.
But hey, taste is very personal ;)
Thx pcrecord. Vocals aren't dry like a lot of my songs but effe
Thx pcrecord. Vocals aren't dry like a lot of my songs but effects fit the mood of this song. which part are you referring to that's unbalanced?
maybe :44-56 the distorted guitar riff?
Attached files New Device.mp3 (5.2 MB)
Nice mix (y)
Nice mix (y)
packrobottom, post: 438616, member: 25321 wrote: Thx pcrecord. V
Packrobottom, as I said about the vocal, it a question of taste. You've got a Phil Colins sound going on and that's ok. It's just that to my taste it's exagerated in the intro and a bit too much in the rest of the song.
As for unbalanced.. at 58 I kind of feel the electric guitar is more to the right. It may be a combinaison of volume and frequency content (less HF to the left sound).
And yes at 44-56 the electric doesn't have the same ambiance and mood of the synth, it could be a bit more legato and have a bit more reverb.
Again, my comments are not pointing obvious errors. I'm exposing my taste on some very minor aspect of the song.
Have it your way if you don't share them ;)
pcrecord good catch it is the hi hat that is adding a bit more w
pcrecord good catch it is the hi hat that is adding a bit more weight to the right channel. I will fix it and post.
still working but balance is better [MEDIA=audio]http://recordi
still working but balance is better
Attached files New Device.mp3 (5.2 MB)
Not crazy about the delay/doubling on the lead vox, and I'd like
Not crazy about the delay/doubling on the lead vox, and I'd like to hear a bit more hi hat ( and not panned so hard).... but those are just personal taste things, and are not a reflection of the mix on the whole...
You know how it goes... Ask five different cookers what they think, and you're likely to get 10 different opinions... LOL.
I think it's a nice, solid mix. It's open, and breathes nicely; is not encumbered by over-compression, and has nice dynamics all the way around.
Instruments and Vocals are well-performed - backing vox are too - nice harmonies, they are nice and tight, and are sitting in the mix just where I would have put them myself.
The song is melodic, hooky, flows very well.
Other than the above, I don't know what else to add. ;)
Thx Donny I will re visit the vocal chain.
Thx Donny I will re visit the vocal chain.
Well, hold on now... Remember, my comments were only opinion; I
Well, hold on now...
Remember, my comments were only opinion; I was only telling you what I thought, and you shouldn't take my comments as a "must do" thing.
You need to hold to YOUR vision of the song, and if you like the current vocal processing, then you shouldn't let me - or anyone else - persuade you into changing something you like.
I've got no gold records hanging on my wall, I'm just an engineer like everyone else here; and far be it for me to tell you what you should do.
Obviously, you liked the effect enough to use it and to keep it in the mix thus far; so you should stick to what YOU like.
Opinions and feedback are good in that they can sometimes allow us to consider things we hadn't maybe considered before, but that doesn't mean you should do everything that is suggested. In fact, doing so can often result in chasing your tail, LOL, and detracting you from what you envisioned and like to hear yourself.
It's your song, your mix. Do what pleases you. ;)
Nice song, mix and performances. The vocal sound reminds me some
Nice song, mix and performances. The vocal sound reminds me some old Alan Parson's.....? Real drummer?
You may need to dampen the guitars a bit on the choruses, though
You may need to dampen the guitars a bit on the choruses, though I like the energy. Seems like the lead vocals could use a slight mid range cut, and a small hi shelf boost at 3.5K. Automation might be in order for some instrumentation to share space. Also, you could drop the lead vox double a dB or two.
90% of this mix is good, and a fun song.