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Oh geeze, I guess I'm elected - so far - to moderate this little corner of REC ORG. (Reemy, aren't you gonna jump in as well? )

Someone thinks I know what I'm talking about, I guess. . :roll:

Anyway, I'll do my best, but be warned, I'm sometimes a cranky old dog who's had one foot in each domain for a long time now. At 54, I think I've seen it all - almost. I have NO urge to go back to the "bad old days" and I'll happily tell you all about it. I'm completely "in the box" now, and I couldn't make my living doing things the "old fashioned" way anymore, but there are some wonderful & warm things about the best of the old analog/vintage stuff that still applies today.

There are a lot of clunkers and misinformation out there, so hopefully we can get to the bottom of a lot of myths and legends and have some fun along the way. There's much we can all still learn from it.

So, if you remember the smell of fresh analog tape, burnt bakelite, and hot soldering irons in the morning, welcome aboard! Even if you don't, this should be fun. 8-)
