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Pro Tools - Bounces Distorting

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Submitted by SuprSpy79 on Tue, 02/19/2008 - 07:55

Hey guys,

not sure what happened, but recently all of my bounces are distorting. I noticed it when i went through my regular process. I finished a mix and bounced it do. imported it into a new session for master. Did my limiting etc as usually. Meters looked fine, sounded fine in the monitors. When i burned a test disc it was super distorted. So I played back the original WAV file on two other pcs and that file was completely distorted. It sounds fine in the session, but bounced its ruined.

I also played back the original file before i imported for mastering, and that was noticeably louder and had a little distortion on it as well. there must be something in thats boosting the level during bouncing. Hopefully someone can offer some help.

here is a run down of my setup really quick

Running PTLE 6.7 on windows xp with a 001
Mackie 2408 is the mixer. Basicall all the mixing is done in the pc and all the outputs are set to the 001's channell 1 and 2 coming into the Mackie on 1 and 2.

thanks in advance


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Do you use disk compression?
Anything running that shouldn't be memory? Isn't this a different issue then the original "It sounds fine in the session, but bounced its ruined."? What about jiggling a few cables to better the connection? Is the burner/nero creating this fault due to some improper settings?

Wed, 04/02/2008 - 13:26 Permalink
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Bounce Distortion - it's not pro-tools or logic or cubase

Hi All,

I have absolutely torn my hair out to figure out this one.

This could be your answer:


Your files are most probably perfect, test them in Quicktime!

'Sound "Enhancer"' caused my files to sound distorted and I spent many hours disabling plugins/trying not to over-run levels into the master bus etc. etc...

Hopefully this helps out someone!

Stephen Anning

-- Check out my album 'Impressionistic Piano' on iTunes or CD Baby for some relaxed ambient piano :)

Wed, 08/10/2011 - 12:06 Permalink
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Another thought (and this happened to me once) - could it be that your CD-write drivers are doing something weird? I've experienced "distortion" (sorta - it's more like a top-end hiss/crackle) when the CD burn is a little off. The spin speed or the track alignment goes 'off' and even the drive it was burned on doesn't do so well. Some disc players will play it fine, some won't.
IIRC the one time this happened to me, a driver reinstall fixed it (or maybe it was a complete wipe and OS reinstall....ack...)

Fri, 08/12/2011 - 12:19 Permalink