I recently picked up a M-Audio Mobile USB Pre device from a local individual. It came with a driver disk but I had to download the latest drive from their website to work with Windows 7. Now my question is, what software (free preferably) can I use to play my guitar and record? I would like to have access to different effects and I hear Pro Tools is a good one but can't get access to it as it's not free or not available to download as a trial.
Any recommendation on how to get the most out of this device?
For a free but low-spec program, try [="http://audacity.sourcefo
For a free but low-spec program, try [="http://audacity.sourceforge.net/"]Audacity[/]="http://audacity.sou…"]Audacity[/]. For a full-function but low-cost program, try [[url=http://="http://www.cockos.c…"]Reaper[/]="http://www.cockos.c…"]Reaper[/]. Reaper has a 30-day free trial and then nags you after that.
Thanks for the response. Does Reaper come with many guitar effec
Thanks for the response. Does Reaper come with many guitar effects? I will give it a try tonight.