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PSP SpringBox an emulation of a high-end quality studio spring reverberator.

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We are happy to announce the release of the [=" plugins/reverbs/psp_springbox1 PSP SpringBox[/]="http://pspaudioware… plugins/reverbs/psp_springbox1 PSP SpringBox[/], an emulation of a hardware spring reverberator in VST, AU, AAX and RTAS plugin formats for Windows and Mac OS X.

PSP SpringBox recreates several features typical of a spring reverb, such as a convincing "boing" on transients and a repeatable resonating musical character with an adjustable presence. A selection of configurations from two to six springs total is provided, as well as the ability to set stereo spread and pan/balance configured to suit various mix setups - from a typical guitar reverb to a creative uses as a send reverb in the mix. Thanks to PSP SpringBox's two channel A and B settings, setup and range of presets operation is fast and easy.

The fully operational 14 days demo (doesn't require any hardware dongle) is available now on PSP's download page

[[url=http://="http://www.PSPaudio…"] - high quality audio processors and effects plugins in AudioUnit, RTAS and VST format for Mac and PC[/]="http://www.PSPaudio…"] - high quality audio processors and effects plugins in AudioUnit, RTAS and VST format for Mac and PC[/]

Direct link to YouTube video

Intro offer

Until 30th April 2013 the special introductory price of $49. Starting from 1st May 2013 regular price $69 will be applied.

Have a warm spring!

Antoni Ozynski s.c.


http://www.PSPaudio…"] - high quality audio processors and effects plugins in AudioUnit, RTAS and VST format for Mac and PC[/]="http://www.PSPaudio…"] - high quality audio processors and effects plugins in AudioUnit, RTAS and VST format for Mac and PC[/]