new song I'm working on first listenable mix. Thoughts about anything welcome.
mix definitely needs some work. But I want some fresh ears.
new song I'm working on first listenable mix. Thoughts about anything welcome.
mix definitely needs some work. But I want some fresh ears.
A little bit of Have A Cigar chord sequence at 1:43?....I like t
A little bit of Have A Cigar chord sequence at 1:43?....I like that ;)
yah I can see that. good ear
yah I can see that. good ear
I think its coming along nicely, nothing glaringly stands out to
I think its coming along nicely, nothing glaringly stands out to my ears. The balance sounds good between the tracks and its got a good feel to it.
I checked out some of your other stuff on youtube last time you posted a track here, I like the style of your music.
thanks Sean. Really appreciate that.
thanks Sean. Really appreciate that.
New guitars and vocals
New guitars and vocals
preparing album release. This one has come along way. Any mix
preparing album release. This one has come along way. Any mix suggestions or does it seem done to yall
Sad part about directing us to an outside site is that we can't
Sad part about directing us to an outside site is that we can't refer to your first mix and hear the evolution...
Nonetheless, Good job !!
yaah that's a good point from now on I'm going to attach I've r
yaah that's a good point from now on I'm going to attach
I've restored an old version of the mix/song So you can see the progression
Current mix
Old mix
Attached files Radio hellold.mp3 (6.8 MB)