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Submitted by emusicman11 on Wed, 02/02/2011 - 12:38


I bought the PreSonus firestudio project which came with Cubase LE 4. and I was wondering if it supported vst instruments other than the HALionOne insturment I see that looks to have come with the software. i know in Cubase 4, you can just click devices/ vst instruments and then select. one. But it doesn't seem to be on this version. Is there something I must do in my other instruments like battery 3, absynth, kontact, kore player, etc. to get them accessible in Cubase LE 4? Also not sure if sounds in absynth, kontact, battery 3 etc. are only playable through their own software or if I can just access these sounds through cubase. Like isn't a vst instrument a bunch or small wav files known as samples? or is there an emulation/rendering thing these programs do to get their sounds. Whats the difference between rewire and vst insturments?

I am basically trying to record midi tracks in Cubase 4 LE using my full library of sounds instead of just HALionONe instrument. Also, is this a rewire issue or plugin issue? I am not too sure the differences of all these. Thanks
