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Reducing bass frequencies

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Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 03/26/2008 - 06:45

i need to do a bass drop in a couple songs that I'm recording for a band.
I'm not sure if thats the right term or not but its the sound you hear that sounds like a dropout.
if you could help me and advise me on how to do it i would be greatly appreciative.


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lawnmowerdude6 wrote: i need to do a bass drop in a couple songs that im recording for a band.
im not sure if thats the right term or not but its the sound you hear that sounds like a dropout.
if you could help me and advise me on how to do it i would be greatly appreciative.

Not sure what you are referring to. Could you post a short example or mention a song where it was used?

Wed, 03/26/2008 - 12:33 Permalink
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what badn are you doing this for, first of all, and secondly, i played with a band for a while, our drummer had a roland bass drop, so i know what you're talking about, and the guys are right, every time we set up for a show the sound engineer told our drummer to hit the 808, so just look for 808 samples. i'm trying to find them myself, because i want to add a bass drop to "tell slater not to was his dick" by bring me the horizon

Sat, 04/19/2008 - 12:05 Permalink
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bass drop

Okay everybody, to explain what a bass drop is...and please correct me if i'm wrong.

A BASS DROP is has NOTHING to do with the drummer, unless he has an electronic drum pad i guess... A bass drop is 'usually' used when a heavy song is in its breakdown or entering a breakdown, it is a very deep bass kick that will shake the whole room and you can actually feel it. It is possibly one of the most amazing things a band does in my opinion.

Bass drops are very hard to accomplish. If you are in a car with a subwoofer or in your home with a very good sound system you will be able to hear or actually feel the bass drop.

If you wish to do your own bass drop in your songs, you need to have a way to upload your song to a computer (or a software interface) to add the bass drop. I'm no expert but if you read earlier posts the best sample to look for is a "808" bass drop sample.

To do this live, you would need some way to fill the room with that deep of a sample. Once again, i'm no expert but i KNOW there are many ways to do this. One is to have a few subwoofers (depending on room size). If you are in a small room maybe 2 12" subs for good quality. If you are in a large room, a school's basket ball court, you'll need more quantity, or larger in size.

Don't think greatness comes cheap, going cheap will become expensive if you blow your subs!! Then you'll have to buy more right? So go for the top or don't go at all.

I really hope this helps someone out there. Everything i know was from trial and failures. May you fail to succeed, and good luck to you.

(Andrew York)

Thu, 10/08/2009 - 15:58 Permalink
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I make all of my bass hits with a signal generator in audiosuite. Usually anywhere from 40 to 50Hz. Just add a quick fade in and a long fade out, I also try to get the hit to be as close to being in key as possible and I know what it's like looking for a good bass hit sample. They are all over every heavy bands' albums but almost impossible to find!

Mon, 10/26/2009 - 00:52 Permalink