Hi, I'm a 3 mo lurker and decided it's time to ask a question.
I have a hand me down Sadie Radia 4 system that I don't use and want to use the hardware controllers with Pro Tools 5.1.3 (d/24 and Pci Farm on Mac AGP Graphics G4-450). Does anyone know how to hook these together or even if the Sadie controllers are compatible? I'm starting to open my business to post audio for film and video (and out of corporate terra radio...THANK GOD!)
I was just trying to incorporate what I have and not drop the cash on a control 8 or a hui, but if this won't work I guess I'll have to sell the Sadie as a whole and start over.
Thanks for any input
Jay Shields-1stbaseman
1stbase Productions
Denver-CO, USA