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Hardware set up for live discussion recorded for Podcast

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Submitted by curbahn on Tue, 08/15/2017 - 09:44

I'm looking to buy a bunch of audio equipment for amplifying/recording live talks in front of an audience.

I want to be able to record each mic as it's own .wav file (into my laptop using Adobe Audition or similar) before sending it to the PA so I can separately adjust gain during the live performance without affecting the recording.

Vintage Analog Hardware vs. Apollo & Unison Plug‑Ins

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Submitted by audiokid on Sat, 06/10/2017 - 07:54

Published on May 31, 2017
In this video, watch multi Grammy-winning producer/engineer Jacquire King (Tom Waits, Kings of Leon, Norah Jones) shoot out vintage analog hardware to Apollo with Unison / UAD plugins. Features electronic-soul artist Jamie Lidell and an all star cast at Blackbird Studios in Nashville, TN.

Video Recording Inside Studio? Best hardware/software

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Submitted by SteveFinik on Wed, 07/27/2016 - 13:11

Im installing an IP Camera security system for a friends new music studio.

They would like a video camera system to record musicians playing drums, piano, singing etc and provide video on USB drive at end of session. Also, live stream video and audio via website if they want.

Problem sending midi notes to external hardware in Ableton Live 9 Suite

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Submitted by detlef on Wed, 02/03/2016 - 13:44

I want to use Ableton Live 9 Suite to play some background tracks while performing live.
One track is configured to send midi notes to an external drum machine. This drum machine have a built in bass line that plays through a bass amp. I'm just interested in the bass line, which is triggered on channel 8 of Ableton (and other sequencers).

hardware synths vs. . vst/vsti?

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Submitted by Guelph_Guy on Sun, 01/10/2016 - 12:58

ok...I'm curious, I currently have a rack of samplers and synths, a carry over from my midi days... (aka 5000, Roland 550) and more.

I'm curious to know since the computers are getting far more powerful, and the vst's are getting so good, who has migrated to vst solutions and has abandoned hardware synth all together?

How can I control Pro Tools 10 plugins with hardware?

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Submitted by RJrules64 on Tue, 10/14/2014 - 23:59

Hey everyone,

I do a bit of recording as a hobby, so I use a lot of plugins and VSTs etc.
I'm getting tired of the tedious work required to adjust settings on the plugins with the mouse.
I have the PreSonus faderport which has relieved me from using the mouse with the faders and pan knobs which has been great!

RatRig Hardware - DIY Acoustic Kits - Absorption Panels and Bass Traps

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Submitted by ratrig on Wed, 09/10/2014 - 16:06

Hi Guys,
RatRig Hardware is a DIY Hardware company based in Europe - Portugal. We develop and sell various Audio and Video related DIY Hardware kits.

Our first Audio Related kits are Acoustic Panels and Bass Traps for studios, check them out here:

SPL PASSEQ hardware version? any users out there with an opinion?

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Submitted by Will Broduer on Wed, 02/05/2014 - 11:23

been hmmming and hawwwwing over this for about year now I'm looking for another passive eq, i have a minimassive and a massive passive i find those two worlds apart. the massive has serious heft and i find it coloured in a good way but doesn't work for everything. the mini is my favorite eq bar none its just quite limited. any one use the SPL PASSEQ for mastering duties.