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Stereo/mono question - Cubase

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Submitted by jcb08j on Wed, 12/28/2011 - 14:39

Ok, so I just recorded a bunch of tracks in Cubase on my bass guitar. However, I'm an idiot and had all the tracks as stereo even though bass is a mono instrument. Also, on my M-audio USB fastrack which I'm using to record, I had it set on stereo. When I recorded and played it back the sound would only come out of one earphone and the other one would just play constant white noise/static.

So I export the sound file and there is a strong static sound coming out along with the music. So I'm wondering do I need to re-record all those tracks with everything mono or is there a way to salvage my recordings into clean sound when I export? Even if it just comes out of one speaker.

I'm using Cubase 5 on Windows 7 with a usb fasttrack m-audio recorder drive.



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You can change the track in Cubase to mono.
Try changing your VST connections input and output tabs under "Devices" to all mono, then change the routing in the track Inspector to use a mono track. You should be able to get rid of or separate the white noise channel from the good bass track that way.
Another way to salvage it would be to export the track to two "wav" file by using the "split tracks" option which will give you two separate L/R tracks. Then just delete the bad half and import the good half to its own new mono track.
The real key is to have your "VST connections" I/O tabs setup properly to provide a combination of stereo and mono tracks. It sounds like you have all stereo tracks for inputs.

Thu, 12/29/2011 - 10:40 Permalink