what version of Cubase do I have?

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By Kurt Foster, Sat, 11/02/2002 - 12:26

So now it's time for me to learn how to use Cubase... I'm hoping I can get some help from all my buddies at RO, because although I have been working in audio for quite some time this is my first foray into the DAW world. I am going to have a lot of dumb "newbie" questions and here's the first one. I'm running Cubase VST 5.1 and I am curious about what level of the software I have...On the disc it says
Cubase VST
Cubase Score
Cubase VST / 32.? :confused:

Is this a generic disk Steinberg supplies to everyone? Is the difference of which version it is regulated by the dongle? Or did I luck out and get a full blown version..(for$300). ?
Thanks . . Fats



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Thanks so much...Now I understand..... it's Cubase VST version 5.1. I've been poking around with it and it looks coooool... I talked to the dude at G Center that sold it to me and he's asking around to see if there is anyone in the area that can come over to my place and give me hands on quick start tutorial......Fats

Manual? We don't need no stinking manual..... :D (one of my favorite movies!)