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Has anyone had the following problem and is there a solution for it?

When I bounce in logic audio platinum and finish with a stereo mix down, I play the wav file on Win Amp. However On the Analyser within winamp, all of the signals are grouped at the lower end of the analyser. E.g if a hi freq note appears, on the analyser, it would appear as a low note.
this dissapears if I convert to an MP3 and then the spectrum analyser can be seen in its full glory. Bare in mind, if i put an analyser within logic, all of the signals are there... Hi & Low but most of the louder frequencies are in the bass end of the spectrum.

Any ideas?



falkon2 Tue, 11/11/2003 - 02:50

Winamp's spectogram seems to base it's x axis (frequency) on the bitrate of the media being played... either that, or against the file format itself.

I've noticed this as well - it doesn't seem to have anything to do with mixes and such. Whenever the bitrate is uber-high, like say, 14H kbps from CD-quality .wav (16 bit x 2 channels x 44.1kHz), the x axis seems to be geared to show everything up to a preposterously high figure - the audible range is therefore pushed all the way down to the 'bass'.