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I have been doing my research on 2 Mic preamps for my project studio
I want to have 2 different types of flavor ( solid state & tube ) for
R&B / Hip Hop /Funk /Jazz

Mics that I have – AT4050,4033, sm58,57,
And will buy more after testing with the new pres

I have come down to 2 I'm considering

Langevin DVC – Vocals, Drum overheads…etc
UA 610 / for tube applications

The only compressor I have is a dbx 160A and I'm thinking the EQ/elop section of the DVC will complement it well for now until I have more Cash for more toysJ

I also understand that the Summit TPA-200B as well as the Sebatron VMP series can sound clean to colored. And I know that there will never one preamp to do both.

Any suggestions on 2 separate mic preamps for :
2 channels of good solid state/ 1 or 2 channels of tune preamps
Budget- $3500
Thanks ahead for your input


rhydian Thu, 04/21/2005 - 09:56



Millennia STT-1 has solid state and valve in pre, eq and compressor, which you could switch in and out to colour accordingly.

Vintech and Great River do Neve clones pretty well, covering the solid state end og things. Chandler if you fancy spending more...

Sebatron are remarkably good value for high end valve sounds.

Also, what about a couple of focusright liquid channels? You could convolve whatever you wanted....and have compressors to boot.

Davedog Thu, 04/21/2005 - 09:59

At this level of mic pres you're simply looking at tonal differences and functions.They're all good .I dont think you can go wrong with you're choices you've already made.I have not heard the UA but I will soon as my Pro Dealer has one.I can demo soon as we're tracking the next record.I HAVE heard the DVC and it is on my personal short list of must haves.

Guest Thu, 04/21/2005 - 17:40

Maybe just because it hasn't been mentioned...Avalon M5 (solid state)or the Avalon 737sp (tube).
I think they are a really popular brand for the type of music you are looking to record. I have an Avalon U5 for recording bass. I love it. It made my bass sound better than ever! :P
But I don't own any other Avalon products. Just to be truthful
And as far as the 2nd pre amp...I like the UA idea. But it does kind of seem like Sebatron is really getting all the razz now adays.

McCheese Thu, 04/21/2005 - 18:16

I would discourage the Avalon 737. I know a LOT of studio owners who have gone out and bought one or two, and then very rarely used it. In some ways it's attained a sort of status where clients expect to see one in the equipment list, like a U87, but I think the ratio of owned:used is pretty bad.

The U5 DI on the other hand is incredible. Best thing to ever happen to the electric bass.

AudioGaff Thu, 04/21/2005 - 18:46

I have all those mic's and I often find my Focusrite Red-7 is the best match and always a good match. The Red-7 can be had used for $1400-$1900 and you get an exciter/de-esser and a real good compressor that can be used on it's own.

Others I'm fond of or are on my must have list.

One channel of any Neve or Neve clone
API 512
Old Altec
Manley tube single channel
John Hardy
Chandler EMI
dbx 786
UA 6176 or LA610

But the Fearn...... Mmmmmm....yummy. And he has a new compressor that I'm bound to get one way or another.