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I've been wondering this for awhile. Everyone's ideal studio, from what I've been reading on this board, would include at least 6-10 different mics and 3-5 different mic preamps (probably the more, the better). How do you know which mic/mic preamp combination works best for a given singer? Surely you wouldn't have that singer try every mic/mic preamp combination. If you did that at a studio like Ocean Way, that singer could burn 1 day's worth of studio time finding a combination that sounded best on them.


omegaarts Wed, 06/18/2003 - 14:29

I can usually listen to a singer and narrow my selection down to three mics and sometimes two right away.
Pre's I think are easier because you get a feel for what kind of pre goes with what kind of music and tracks.
My Millennia pre's will most always sound better on acoustic stuff than my 9098's.
Sorry guess I'm just repeating what Kurt said.

anonymous Sun, 06/22/2003 - 11:52

My band plans to buy (at least) one really good vocal mic for our studio. Our only deciding factor will be how our lead singer's voice sounds into it. I think what we're going to do is narrow our choices down to 5 or so mics (based on word of mouth and specs) and then buy them all, spend about 3 weeks seriously testing them, pick and keep one, and return the rest. Then, we're going to get a good pre to go along with it.

My question is would this be effective using only a DBX MiniPre for now. Would the minipre ruin the quality of the mic, making everything sound only as good as something could sound going through a crappy pre?

Or should we also buy a couple pre's and test them all out along with the mics and choose the best combination?
