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I'm not sure it's OK to post this, and I usually post in the "pro video" forum here.
As long as this is the "Budget gear" forum, I thought to pass it on that I am doing my third group buy on gear that I am having manufactured for me under the "TnC" brand. This includes mics and 1073, 81, and 84 mic preamp clones. Info to register is on my website. Forum members get these at cost. The mics all have "ACM" before the numbers and it stands for Another Cheap Mic. LOL


anonymous Tue, 03/18/2008 - 08:33

For all those who have registered at
you can see that we have more than made the quota for the minimum order. The manufacturer is still at the Frankfort show and is due back around the 25th. Shortly after that I will start sending out payment requests. If you are interested, and haven't registered, you might want to do so as this group buy is for forum members only.