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DN27A in for Modifications...

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Submitted by Link555 on

6 Klark Tecknik DN27A in for work. Its amazing to me the changes over the years. 2 units have input transformers and output transformers. The two will transformers will get a electrolytic cap change and general inspection. Of the four remaining, the most similar two will get Jensen input and output transformers, cap change and inspection. One unit had permanent power cord modification, that is going to get changed back to the original style power connector.


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I think it should be law that name changes be made or iteration numbers be made, when i manufacturer decides to change the circuitry of a unit. I know caveat emptor is the way of the world, but its kinda crazy to me that you can omit xformers (a sonically significant part) and still call it the same model. Beyond that you could pay more and get less, not so great for the buyer.

Not sure if the DN27a over at Normandy is xformerless or not, i didn't know it was something to look for.

Interesting stuff.

Tue, 03/09/2021 - 13:36 Permalink
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Thanks, I am trying to keep it away as far as possible from the power supply. The mu metal Jensen can on the input transformer is really effective, but this position is close to the input connection and away from power supply, so it's a win-win situation. So much room inside this box!

I am really awestruck on the layout of this era of KT stuff, so much thought and care went into its construction. Terence Clarke was/is a true craftsman. His chassis design alone is brilliant, certainly one of the best I have seen for maintenance. It amazing to me that this board which essentially a large mulipletaped feedback path of 2 opamps has such low noise. Its a single side PCB without a ground plane!

Fri, 03/19/2021 - 06:26 Permalink