My MXL 770 is very low volume and there is a noticeable hiss.
I haven't used it in a while and the last time it was on a different computer and it worked fine.
I use a Neewer 48V 1-channel phantom power supply.
I am not very experienced in troubleshooting this kinda stuff so if anyone could help me thatd be great!
I put an audio clip so you can see what I mean.(gotta crank the volume)
Attached files 101714af-8aed-4076-8b9b-e84d26ead757.mp3 (158.1 KB)
windows 10 pc?
windows 10 pc?
Windows 10 made some changes to the mic audio path. Have your t
Windows 10 made some changes to the mic audio path.
Have your tried the basics?
Is it the Neewer NW-100 phantom power unit? If so, check that yo
Is it the Neewer NW-100 phantom power unit? If so, check that you are feeding it with a mains transformer that delivers 18V AC. It's the AC that is the important bit.
Boswell, post: 468219, member: 29034 wrote: Is it the Neewer NW
Mine doesn't output that so i think this will be the problem. Mine says DC 13.8V 8W. I found one on amazon that says 18V2A. Should that be good? Thanks btw
I can only speak for the NW-100 model, as that is the one I have
I can only speak for the NW-100 model, as that is the one I have. That model needs 18V AC, since it uses a simple voltage-tripler rectifier to produce 48V DC.
The 18V AC mains adaptor that mine came with is made by Yee-Hu, an unknown name from the Wild East.
Are you able to try it with a mixer or interface to see if it is
Are you able to try it with a mixer or interface to see if it is indeed an external phantom supply problem?
ronmac, post: 468225, member: 24337 wrote: Are you able to try
If his Neewer PP supply really is the NW-100 model, or is any other type that uses the voltage-multiplier method of generating the PP voltage, there is no point in doing further investigations until the mains power unit is changed to one that delivers 18VAC.
Boswell, post: 468226, member: 29034 wrote: If his Neewer PP su
Got the 18v AC today and that was the problem! Thank you so much!
That's good! I hope you connected the output from the power su
That's good!
I hope you connected the output from the power supply the right way round.
How do you connect AC "the right way around"? Or did I miss the
How do you connect AC "the right way around"?
Or did I miss the joke somehow? :D