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MXL 770 quiet and loud hissing

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Submitted by bmow23 on Wed, 03/17/2021 - 09:48

My MXL 770 is very low volume and there is a noticeable hiss.
I haven't used it in a while and the last time it was on a different computer and it worked fine.
I use a Neewer 48V 1-channel phantom power supply.
I am not very experienced in troubleshooting this kinda stuff so if anyone could help me thatd be great!
I put an audio clip so you can see what I mean.(gotta crank the volume)

Attached files 101714af-8aed-4076-8b9b-e84d26ead757.mp3 (158.1 KB) 


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Boswell, post: 468219, member: 29034 wrote:
Is it the Neewer NW-100 phantom power unit? If so, check that you are feeding it with a mains transformer that delivers 18V AC. It's the AC that is the important bit.

Mine doesn't output that so i think this will be the problem. Mine says DC 13.8V 8W. I found one on amazon that says 18V2A. Should that be good? Thanks btw

Wed, 03/17/2021 - 16:10 Permalink
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ronmac, post: 468225, member: 24337 wrote:
Are you able to try it with a mixer or interface to see if it is indeed an external phantom supply problem?

If his Neewer PP supply really is the NW-100 model, or is any other type that uses the voltage-multiplier method of generating the PP voltage, there is no point in doing further investigations until the mains power unit is changed to one that delivers 18VAC.

Thu, 03/18/2021 - 04:54 Permalink
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Boswell, post: 468226, member: 29034 wrote:
If his Neewer PP supply really is the NW-100 model, or is any other type that uses the voltage-multiplier method of generating the PP voltage, there is no point in doing further investigations until the mains power unit is changed to one that delivers 18VAC.

Got the 18v AC today and that was the problem! Thank you so much!

Fri, 03/19/2021 - 15:22 Permalink