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2nd in a Series - Re-ribbon, new transformer and 3D printed parts for MXL R144

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Submitted by guitartoys on Sat, 01/23/2016 - 19:35

Hello, this is a second in a series of Ribbon Mic upgrades. Thought you all might be interested.

Here I updated the truss to make the ribbon element floating (not tied to the truss and chassis ground) and swapped out the transformer. This required some 3D printed ribbon mounts and covers, which could also be done with 1mm thick PCB. I also 3D printed some little wire guides, so I didn’t have to sloppily glue the plus leads to the truss. Lastly, I made a re-ribbon jig for the truss, which makes it a whole ton easier to re-ribbon it.

You can find the Instructable below, along with the Thingiverse for the files to print.

MXL R144 Ribbon Upgrade and Alignment Jig by guitartoys - Thingiverse

Ribbon Microphone Upgrade for MXL R144

Still learning lots, and having fun.

Next up, doing the same with an MXL R80, but with a twist, using some 3D printed flex filament as corner shock mounts.