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Kurt Foster Boswell

Hi guys... :)
Don’t know if you’ve perhaps already seen this, but I thought I would post it and tag you guys just in case you hadn’t.



Kurt Foster Mon, 10/29/2018 - 15:12

i actually saw this desk at a NARAS show at the Hilton on Van Ness Ave in SF in the early 90's. Dan Alexander was showing it. it's amazing how it has escaped destruction not once but twice!

they did a seminar in one of the ballrooms where Roger Nichols, John Storyk and John Meyer set up a Soundcraft Sapphire console and 2" tape machine and recorded a band live. i also got to meet and talk with Hal Blaine at the same show. they had him stuck away in a small booth in the basement. i spent about an hour talking with him. nice guy. cool stuff


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