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Submitted by Robert DiVito on

The traditional paradigm of transmitting audio and video media content over point to point dedicated cabling is being supplanted by methods of moving media content over networks, in particular Ethernet, LANs and IP based WANs.

This day-long event will provide a basis of understanding of data networking in general while exploring the latest developments in methods, protocols, standards, and applications of networked audio.

Date - Saturday, 25 April 2015

Time - 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM

Where - Ryerson University, Oakham House, Tecumseh Room 63 Gould Street, Toronto, ON (Corner of Gould and Church, east of Yonge St (Dundas Subway))

For parking info and map, goto http://

This event requires ticketed registration. Please go to

Open to members and non-members.

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