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Alesis HD24 Hard drive "Caddy" direct into a PC ma

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Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 01/27/2005 - 21:42

First time on this site. Can anyone tell me is it possible to bypass all the firewire / interface hardware and just "Plug in" the HD24 caddy with the recorded songs on it right into my mainframe pc? I had the bay installed when I had the tower built. It's got a fast processor, 256 megs of ram. I'm running xp for an opeating system. The ethernet mode of transfereing to my editing software is painfully slow (overnight slow!) Is there software available to convert the HD24s' "Langauge" of ADAT-FST to Fat 32-NTFS so I can download 16 to 24 tracks of a "Live Show" or two really long songs. I don't have time when I'm working FOH in a "Live" show environment to start and stop the HD24 every song so I set it up and let it go. Later on take it in to the studio, decide what I'm keeping and then comes the painful part. Transfereing it to my PC. I have been told of all the fireport adapters and stuff available, I still think there is software out there to help speed up and Transulate the info from HD24 to PC. I'm open to ideas.
Thanks Gary
