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Hi y'all, I recently found what turned out to be a scam post on eBay for a Soundcraft dc2020, and though the transaction turned out to be fictional, it got me to thinking that this might be a good upgrade from my Soundcraft 600. It also seems like I wouldn't have to re-wire the whole studio, since they both have the built-in patchbay and EDAC connectors, and it's got more modern features (automation, phase switch, in-line-ness) that the 600 don't got.
Have any of y'all had any experience with the dc2020? should i be looking for something else? I'd appreciate anyone's opinion.


anonymous Sun, 09/28/2003 - 17:00

Greetings Michael,

I have (limited) experience with a DC2000 (my friend's desk), which is, I believe, very similar to the DC2020.

It's no Neve, but it's not bad. If you can get one for a decent price it's worth considering. I must point out that my friend has his hard-wired to his patchbay and only really uses it for monitoring/routing rather than tracking - that's where his APIs, etc. come into play.

I'm no expert (far from it :( ) and I don't know what your budget is nor what other gear you have and so I can't wholeheartedly recommend the desk. I'm sure there are others on this site with more experience than me who can debate (at length) the pros and cons of this desk and even offer alternatives, but from my limited experience with the DC2000 within the context in which it's used I'd have to say that you could do worse.


Aeode Music Tue, 01/25/2011 - 13:16

Hey Michael,

I am actually an owner of a Soundcraft dc2020 and have nothing but posative things to say about it. The mic pres are great, the eqs are awesome, and the board is fairly easy to learn. Others are correct in saying it is no Neve... however, for the money it is as close as you'll get. A used Neve can easily run around $76,000 while most dc2020s are from $6,000 in fair condition to $18,000 in good condition.
I am actually looking to downsize because my studio is relocating and am looking to sell mine. It is the fully inline 32 channel version with the built in edac patchbay. I also have a spare power supply and a LOT of cabling that will go with it. Let me know if you are still looking. We are located in NH (a bit of a haul from TX) but this board could be just what you're looking for. I'm looking to sell it for about $12,000 because it has been well kept and only maintained by a professional studio tech.

Hope that helps!

PeterVDH Tue, 11/28/2023 - 08:41

Hi all, if there are still any Soundcraft aficionados hanging out here...

I'm trying to find a solution to a hum problem on a Soundcraft DC2020 console. Power supply has been re-capped, power and grounding are clean.

There is a hum in the monitor headphones, with NOTHING connected to the desk, just the headphones, with the monitor volume turned up to about 75%, faders all down and MIX turned on. If ANY solo switch is pressed, the hum increases dramatically. It sounds like an earth loop in the console but where to start...

Any advice would be most welcome!

With thanks and kind regards


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